Jealous girlfriends update

Well hello my moon children 🌙 I am writing to you from the great beyond. It's been almost a year since I last updated this blog, but honestly in the mean time, so many things happened I don't even know where to start. I'm not even sure if this blog has readers or not. Well, I know that at least a stalker reader I do have. *wink wink* I know you're reading this. So, that brings me to today's topic: Jealous ex-girlfriends. Or jealous girlfriends in general. I remember a time when I used to feel a little jealous that my girl friends had boyfriends and some girl was dating the boy I wanted, them being pre-school sweethearts and that being AGES ago. Reminiscing and self-evaluating myself, can recognize now that I can no longer feel jealousy, since I don't want what others have. But that's just me. A person that is content with life has offered her. Jealousy is a very serious subject and I believe I've spoken to it in the past on another blog p...