Comeback Update

More than one year since I've last updated this blog, here you find me again.
The sad thing is, I've thought about writing for so long, yet I haven't found myself time to do so, or even post the drafts I've written in the past (7 of them never seen the light of day). Truth is, I love writing. It's one of my passions. But as everything, we need to have inspiration to do so. There are so many things I want to talk about, I write the post in my head and then nothing ends up here because, who knows.

I'm a person of habits, but to integrate a new task to your already full routine is hard. Recently, after almost two years, I've started exercising. The panoramic and being jobless really took a toll on my physical health. Surely by now, if you've followed this blog for a while or know me (because the only ones that read this blog are really just my friends that read it because they're nice, let's be honest)

I've moved in with my boyfriend (theme of my most successful (read: read) posts), we bought a house in the middle of nowhere (no, okay, the place is nice and the people are nice, it's a small village in the middle of Portugal), we got ourselves a dog that only gave us mostly headaches (he's well behaved now. Well... Somewhat, because his personality is problematic by nature), I've been on a 2 year rampage of headaches (literal, not metaphorical ones), got brain scanned, diagnosed and nothing came of it, it's just really my bruxism (yes, this is a word) that's that bad. I'm not sure why this happens, since I *think* I'm a relatively calm person, except when I get angry *ahem*, which happens often *ahem* 
But the doctor just gave me some pills to relax the muscles at night, so I guess I've been almost good for the time being. Except when I don't forget to take them. Then I have migraines, which is the exact word.
Anyway, I've reached the end of this course I took to get a degree (the equivalency to High School + a professional certificate), I've started the internship in the past August. At least I'm not doing accountancy. No, it isn't TikTok accountancy work. I have a TikTok now, btw.
No, I generally don't go there. My sister does and she spams me with funnytoks and I'm ever thankful she does so.
This is actually a catchy song.

In between all the works, most of my work being on the computer, the routine of taking the dog out, making food, completing tasks (which I already have to write a lot for), my eyes can't handle this much screen and for that, I am sorry I've failed you with the consistency and simply vanish.
For as many years as I've had this space, I've considered doing a youtube version of this. But my best friend didn't allow me at the time because "it was going to be cringey". There does about 3 years down the drain, when I could have grown and made something out of this. I do it for fun, but why not monetize it? 😿 too late to cry over spilled mylk anyway.

I have so much to tell you that one post doesn't cover it up.
Maybe if I write again my bruxism will go away. Let's try it out, shall we?

What would you like to see covered here? Tell me, should I carry on with the video support for this space or not really?

I'm changing the header because even tho I can still go by the name of Tatsume, I'm officially rebranding this space as "It's Not Me, It's You", perfectly illustrating the Glitch I am. 

On an ending note, Evanescence just released a brand new album and I'm living.

Yours truly,
The Glitch


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