Dubious online courses

Hello dear reader. First of all let me thank you for keeping up with my blog if you do, and let me also apologize as I try to update every other day, sometimes it's hard for me because I think it would come out as bothersome for you. So today I was (again) figuring out what to do with my life and I think I have a pretty good idea. Although to be able to conclude it, I need some sort of marketing experience, which I have exactly none. Perhaps you don't know, but I'm not really a fan of universities/colleges or any institution that would force me to stay there for the minimum amount of 3 years to get a degree. (Oh no, commitment problems y'all!) I always thought that there were other good opportunities to get the experience, even if 98% of the jobs ask for a graduate degree. Shortcuts. Life is made for shortcuts, losers. Anyway, I started searching again online, but this time for something specific, such as marketing. Before, there were languages, psychology, cri...