Greater Miso disappointment.

That's right. When you look at this, what do you see? "Omg, it's miso soup!!" right? Yeah sure, it is. We all assume that is the tastiest thing on the planet. It's actually not. It tastes like fish (because of the seaweed), smells like alcohol (which I had to boil to a point of exhaustion to make sure it evaporated) and otherwise tastes like absolutely nothing. Add a bit of soy sauce, it tastes ONLY like soy sauce. When I went shopping the other day, I saw these ready-to-go Miso soups in a sachet: It looks yummy on the photo, so I thought "that's a good fast Japanese meal" (because I'm somewhat lazy to cook). Upon reading the ingredients, which I should have done instead of buying it on a whim, I read in bold " contains alcohol " to my dismay. I've mentioned this before, I'm Straight Edge. Alcohol and me do not combine. Everyone in the videos mentioned "do not boil". But I did. Otherwise how would th...