9:50 am.

It's 9:50 am and I am staring at a blank page, thinking about what I am going to say on my first post, ever. I've run blogs before, but let's just say that they failed. Miserably. I've decided that this one is going to be completely spontaneous: meaning, I won't create texts to please anyone, but I am going to try to fit in and more importantly, keep this updated. Not that anyone will read it, I believe. I'm a part-time goth after all. The term "part-time goth" came onto my mind whilst I was making fun of myself. Yeah, I do that a lot. I work in a place where they don't allow us to have make-up, different hair colors or even painted nails. Because we work with unprepared food goods, they state that "nail polish can scrape on the thins of the coca-colas" (even though we use gloves), for example, and that the perfume can "pass on to the food" (even though it's practically everything wrapped up in plastic). So I'm ...