My new favorite thing

Hello everyone. I'm trying really hard to update this, even if I don't know exactly what to talk about, I'm just going to continue rambling instead. So I visited GoogleTrends , in order to pick a niche, or to find something to talk about that didn't include make-up, fashion, food, or any other thing that now a days kids and youtubers are constantly talking about. I know this might result in a lack of interest from other people, but I seriously cannot see myself filming a youtube tutorial or write a 2,000 word description on how to apply eyeliner, when everyone knows how to do that. I wanted more substancial, something that had to do with MY interests. I typed in "Goth" and it led me to "Gothic (lifestyle)". Everyone knows that there aren't many goths out there anymore and 1980's-2009's era is looong gone, so it was expected to see a massive dropping on it. Notice how I chose from 2004 forward. But it's also important ...