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Figured I wouldn't remove the credit, even if it's ugly AF. |
Hello dearest moon children.
Yesterday there was a raging thunderstorm that started out of the blue and all I can smell is Petrichor now.
I'm currently in dying need of go sit outside just to enjoy while it lasts. I'm so in love with it.
Kinda reminds me of the old days when my parents were still living in Portugal and I got to school, the sky was dark it had been raining forever.
It provides such a pleasant, zenful state of mind.
Now and luckily far from that era, life seems a little bit more complicated.
Or perhaps it isn't and we tend to complicate everything; words can be misplaced, humans don't generally know how to interpret others. They assume what they think it's right on their head.
It's important to clarify subjects, always.
How funny is this, personally I don't believe in horoscopes, but I read them because sometimes it offers insightful advice, such as the one for tomorrow:
"Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - Your self-expression could be surrounded by mist at times today, through no fault of your own. Keep this cosmic murkiness in mind if someone seems knocked for a loop by something you text or say. Although it’s invisible to you, others are trying to decipher your meaning while peering through a thick cloud. The clearer you can be, the thinner any such fog becomes. Expect questions and don’t bristle when they’re asked. Simple answers can stop a misunderstanding before it starts. Receptivity matters." link here.Okay. But how to make this fog thinner?
Whatever you say has repercussions. Even the good things you say do.
The Miranda warning never ceases in my head: 'Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.'
Thing is, you have to be your own attorney in life.
You have to fight for what's best for you and never rely on others for nothing.
That's how you lose yourself: not being independent and always need others to give you the push.
Sometimes you need it, sometimes ... Face it. You're just accustomed to have others taking care of you.
It becomes a nuisance if you're constantly begging for it. We've all been there. But we've also gotten out. No one needs anyone to be happy.
I've only realized that yesterday when I was reading old tweets (from exactly a year ago).
It didn't make me sad the first time, I guess in my head all was fine. But then it hit me how uninterested people are on others, and how much it hurts when it is someone you cared for so much.
Like when people spend 10 years investing on a house, a safe space in your heart and then a natural tragedy happens and instead of rebuilding the same house, people just leave it and start over somewhere else, in someone new's heart. There's nothing wrong with it.
But at least be straight and open about it. If you don't want to be friends with someone, just simply walk away. I've done it, countless times.
I'll do it every time. What are 7 years of friendship when you have 1 year hiatus and another 1 of ignorance towards someone you call best friend? Nada. Nada if that house is burnt to ashes.
It's not a phoenix, it doesn't rebirth.
At least now you're free.
You guys see, when someone walks away by their own foot from your life, it means they weren't supposed to be there in the first place. Sounds cliché, sounds something out of a movie. Sounds something some girlish girl would say. But do try to see it from that perspective.
It's easy to fall into that sense of clinginess because it feels like the whole world will crumble like a piece of bread under your hands. It won't.
If someone walks away it'll only make you more mature.
If someone walks away they'll eventually come back. It's up to you whether they're welcome or not.
Do weight it greatly when that time comes. Going back is never a good option.
"Oh, there's a world without you, I see the light.I'm not sure if I mentioned this but never, ever regret anything in life.
Living in a world without you.
Oh, there is hope to guide me, I will survive.
Living in a world without you."
It makes you grow. Also leaving subjects unattended means someday you will get back at them.
If it's something you hold dear, why not start yesterday?
At least you have something to hold on to, in case you find yourself living a meaningless life.
I'm still jobless as of right now, with perspectives of working on something I actually wanted but having the worst boss, ever. On the long run, it'll give problems as we have contrasting personalities.
Whatever I do, never feels good enough for him.
This is taken from my twitter. Stealing myself like yeah:
"Always remember; never be afraid of anyone.This tweet was actually because I've kind of started a raging crowd against me there for commenting on Leaving Neverland.
Celebrities, bosses, people with money. Don't. Always always speak up for yourself when something isn't right.
Never be afraid of reprisals.
They'll only get to you if you don't put an end to it."
Following the tweets of someone I enjoy seeing on my timeline (@misslazarou), if you have an account, follow her) talking about the documentary, I did see it.
Let me tell you, I was impressed.
It made me realize how the minds of the children work, seeing it on their perspective.
Also made me realize how blind people are with celebrities. I mean, that's an understatement.
What kind of blindness do you have to have to justify a 33 year old to sleep with children in the bedroom or even take them on stage when you sing songs like "Dirty Diana" ?
This irks me personally.
First and foremost, fame is just a status.
They're still people. They're not aliens.
Deal with the fact that they're not superior. They have flaws.
On a brighter (?) note,
Why did I come back here?
"Don't leave me out, just let me in,Not sure if this is good or not.
So you won't be love that I lost, love that I lost.
As the feeling grows, I need you so.
Recast our roles, love that I lost, love that I lost.
Stop wrecking my heart, stop wrecking my heart, stop wrecking my heart."
It's not good when I remember something I ignored for so long.
Either good or bad news are coming. I'm not sure I want to know.
Also, I'll publish this video instead of the official one because I'm not sure what was on my baby's head to release such a thing. This still frame looks cooler.
Stay well and dedramatize life,
The Glitch.
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