
Showing posts with the label Lady Gaga

Tokyo 2020

Do you guys know that feeling of 'this feels right', you are actually feeling it with your heart and mind, but your brain keeps telling you to be careful and not go so fast? Second guessing is okay, although not everyone can feel it. It's like you're entering a new place.  You feel comfortable, but can't shake off that feeling of 'new' and 'unknown'. Same thing happens with people. We take a while to adjust to them and we take a while to adjust the fact they're gone. The thing I honestly love the most is studying Society and the way humans react to other humans. I've seen things that utterly shocked me, from flamboyant pieces of shit that have no shame on their faces come and hit on you, to co-workers that simply crucify other co worker's for doing things their way. From family and friends to drag you on the mud by the neck for not drinking or going to parties like other kids do. This makes me sick. I guess this is what you get f...

Respect, Chester.

Rock and Roll is dead. I wanted to start by saying this because I figured that no one else understood it. Currently, people are desperately trying to cling to a rock-ish blend with hip hop, which simply doesn't fucking work. It's like trying to make fetch happen. There are still a selected few of us who like most persistent, headstrong people, still rely on the 70's-2006's for the sanity of their ears (and brains). So it isn't unusual that people would recognize the tattoo on my arm. However, also loads of people (mostly younger or of my age) ask what does it mean, because it's a) in a foreigner language, b) when you try to read it, it probably doesn't sound like one of the greatest hits of all time - Here I Go Again. The Weeknd, Nicki Minaj, XXXTemptation all have that goth vibe that I can't put my finger on why. No offense to anyone. Black suits everyone. But when I see mainstream artists wearing it, I kinda feel like everyone is...