
Showing posts with the label billie eilish

Separation Anxiety

Here's what I'm listening to as I write this post and it feels kinda fitting. "You were the love of my life, the darkness, the light. This is a portrait of a tortured you and I. Is this the, is this the, is this the end? I'll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love, love." Life is one ironic piece of shit. One day you lament yourself or talk about something like breaking teeth, the next day you actually break it. One day you post a quote; With a gif saying something like 'no motivation' [for that inspirational quote] and the gif vanishes, leaving you just with the said inspirational quote, making others perceive you're extra motivated. Only no. Missing the first 5 seasons of SPN, tho. The irony I bring you today is; when you're a kid with divorced parents and have absolutely no troubles with them finding someone else to love, you end up with a [kid] family member that controls you to that extent.  So today&#

Respect, Chester.

Rock and Roll is dead. I wanted to start by saying this because I figured that no one else understood it. Currently, people are desperately trying to cling to a rock-ish blend with hip hop, which simply doesn't fucking work. It's like trying to make fetch happen. There are still a selected few of us who like most persistent, headstrong people, still rely on the 70's-2006's for the sanity of their ears (and brains). So it isn't unusual that people would recognize the tattoo on my arm. However, also loads of people (mostly younger or of my age) ask what does it mean, because it's a) in a foreigner language, b) when you try to read it, it probably doesn't sound like one of the greatest hits of all time - Here I Go Again. The Weeknd, Nicki Minaj, XXXTemptation all have that goth vibe that I can't put my finger on why. No offense to anyone. Black suits everyone. But when I see mainstream artists wearing it, I kinda feel like everyone is

A Realization.

Hello sweet Sakura petals! I have some really important news for you. At least they are, to me. I mean... Inspiration hit me since yesterday, but then this morning I saw the newest Dumbo trailer and completely lost it.. *long, sad face*. Why would anyone do a live action of Dumbo, cast Colin Farrell, Eva Green and a bunch of A-List actors who actually don't fit the roles? I haven't even seen Dumbo, nor want to. The only Disney Movies I care about are The Lion King and The Emperor's New Groove. (To be honest, the second one is the greatest animated movie of all time). Tim Burton you're being one of the biggest disappointments of my 25 years of life. I realized how over rated Nightmare Before Christmas actually is, and now it kinda makes me nauseous. Perhaps because it's always on TV now and people think it funny seeing Jack, who has become an icon for Halloween and cosplaying him all the time, although I have a dark personality and that's one of the