Explained Absence.

I'm currently sitting at my sister's desk, thinking about what to write as my first come-back post from a long hiatus, due to family coming from abroad season. But all I can hear is Panic! At the Disco's 'High Hopes' on the TV and it's honestly condemning my concentration. I still can't stand P!ATD, no matter what they do. So sad. Reminds me of that 10 year's challenge doing on the internet right now. Totally not sorry for my first crappy meme. I just discovered MTV Rocks still exists and it makes me kinda happy. Even if at least 20% of what's on it IT'S NOT ROCK (Eyeing you, George Ezra, eugh). And it gets so repetitive that by now I know songs that aren't my type, simply because one memorizes something even if they absolutely don't want. Yeah I mean, men don't wear guyliner anymore, I'm cool with it. But does it mean they have to be so ugly? Oops, my standards are just high, I guess. Scene is not cool anymor...