What's Mainstream Music?

Hello my moon children.🌙

How have you all been lately? Not missing me much, I see.
(Why do all my posts start like this?)

Anyway, let me start by saying that I don't like 21 Pilots.
I really don't. They annoy the shit out of me, for the sake that their music isn't defined.
Same thing happens with Imagine Dragons. So when someone asks "do you like [something]", I always don't know what to answer because I kinda do but kinda don't.
There are songs that YES. I like them. There are others that simply make no sense but I love listening to it anyway.
An example is - recently, someone suggested that I listened to Five Finger Death Punch.
And what he hell did they do, I really liked the song. Yesterday, another someone suggested that I'd listen Three Days Grace. I fucking liked it.

My best friends have been fans of these bands for years and always told me - take a listen.
I always refused because "it was mainstream". But it was only amongst them.
No. I still don't like Avenged Sevenfold. Sorry bae.

This conversation leads me to the people who have introduced me these awesome things and have become a part of my small roll of friends, in the past week. This in an ode to them.
- so lame, sorry. Nothing But Thieves increase my lameness 200,000% -
I say in the past week because we've known each other for almost 2 years but only now we've started talking outside work.
Now there's one [1] thing I regret.
It may seem selfish by saying this, but they kinda fill that void that I've been experiencing these past years, since I've re-met my best friend.
I mean, they are so cult in everything that makes me feel like a dumb daughter of a bitch with loads of shit to learn.
That sense of "omg same" that you feel when someone says or does something that you can relate with every body cell.. Let me tel you that doesn't happen often. At least not for me, since I'm a social outcast.
It's like we're a big ice cream and those cool people take a spoonful and elevate us. Spiritually.
 - that example tho.. *rolling on the floor laughing at self*

The gem of the day is:

There are youtubities that also share the same views as me;

Recently and guessing I've also protected a bit myself from it and as a result of more carefree conversation types, I've discovered that 90% of it leads to a sexual thematic, especially because being a vegetarian.
It happens a shit ton. It's not just one person. I'd easily ignore.

Totally off limits, pls. I can't even understand one relation to the other?
I don't even know how to react to it?
And then I see people like this 11 year old, who are clearly not thinking if they're seducing anyone, but will eventually attract creeps and preys anyway.
Because that's how the world works. IT'S NOT, IT'S WRONG PLEASE STOP.
A person can't have a relationship with other people without one of them thinking of getting the business on. It's kinda gross.

It makes the whole innocence of friendship crumble apart.
A woman can't be friends with a man without having sexually implicit conversations - because people don't understand there are people who find it gross? *shrugs*

I'm guessing more people have this problem or is it just me? Pls help. I really don't want to ruin things with people like I did before over this subject.

I've mentioned this on a previous post. It's a dangerous era to be a social outcast with views other than the norm.

Here's the song for the day.
Sorry but not sorry.
The other day I went to a record store and an eternity after I asked for "Broken Machine", they suggested that it had been shoplifted. I am devastated how can someone steal such a piece of art.
It's like stealing the Mona Lisa straight outta' Louvre.
I need to see them live. I really do. Like, the ice cream won't eat itself if I don't go. I need my spiritual enlightenment.

Love always,
Dear Tatsume


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