
Showing posts with the label celebrities

Jealous girlfriends update

Well hello my moon children 🌙 I am writing to you from the great beyond. It's been almost a year since I last updated this blog, but honestly in the mean time, so many things happened I don't even know where to start. I'm not even sure if this blog has readers or not. Well, I know that at least a stalker reader I do have. *wink wink* I know you're reading this. So, that brings me to today's topic: Jealous ex-girlfriends. Or jealous girlfriends in general. I remember a time when I used to feel a little jealous that my girl friends had boyfriends and some girl was dating the boy I wanted, them being pre-school sweethearts and that being AGES ago. Reminiscing and self-evaluating myself, can recognize now that I can no longer feel jealousy, since I don't want what others have. But that's just me. A person that is content with life has offered her. Jealousy is a very serious subject and I believe I've spoken to it in the past on another blog p...

What's Mainstream Music?

Hello my moon children.🌙 How have you all been lately? Not missing me much, I see. (Why do all my posts start like this?) Anyway, let me start by saying that I don't like 21 Pilots. I really don't. They annoy the shit out of me, for the sake that their music isn't defined. Same thing happens with Imagine Dragons. So when someone asks "do you like [something]", I always don't know what to answer because I kinda do but kinda don't. There are songs that YES. I like them. There are others that simply make no sense but I love listening to it anyway. An example is - recently, someone suggested that I listened to Five Finger Death Punch. And what he hell did they do, I really liked the song. Yesterday, another someone suggested that I'd listen Three Days Grace. I fucking liked it. My best friends have been fans of these bands for years and always told me - take a listen. I always refused because "it was mainstream". But it was only am...

How Fanfiction Ruined Actuality.

Hello my petals! It's hasn't been long since my last post but I already know the subject for this one. Your Dear Tatsume here had an epiphany about why everyone looks goth now a days. So much that it has become normalized. So much that my very first post about the Goth/Alternative approach makes no sense at all. Prove of this is images such like this: Back then, that is how I used to wear eyeliner and shadow, not so much the fake lashes, kinda creep me out, still. (Imagine if one gets in your eye... Imagine if one gets in your eye WHILST USING CONTACTS. THE HORROR. 🙈🙈🙈) Back then, I used to be frowned upon for using such bold make up, like reddish toned shadows (because Gerard Way did), so I got called a "freak" several times on the street and asked if I were sick countless times because of it. Now it's seen as a way of self expression and no one pays attention. It's okay to make a "Helena" inspired make up tutorial and upload i...


It's late in the morning again. I'm thinking about what to write that would make whoever visits this blog interact with me and since it's been 3 days since I last uploaded a post (sorry, I work part time and it's so dreadful, I'm physically drained after just 5 hours), so you'd assume that I have something reaaaaally special prepared. I actually don't. Yesterday after getting back from work at almost two o'clock pm (I leave at 1 pm and it's just around the corner, just so you know), we lunched and I've passed out on my sister's bed. That's how tired I am. Makes me wonder if I can ever get a full time job without having my soul sucked, dementor like. So if I don't post in like a week, please assume I'm dead in an alley. So, here goes; Back in the day I used to think there were a lot of celebrities, because whenever I turned out to, always somewhere were talking about someone famous. I had no idea what pink magazines we...