It's late in the morning again.
I'm thinking about what to write that would make whoever visits this blog interact with me and since it's been 3 days since I last uploaded a post (sorry, I work part time and it's so dreadful, I'm physically drained after just 5 hours), so you'd assume that I have something reaaaaally special prepared.
I actually don't.
Yesterday after getting back from work at almost two o'clock pm (I leave at 1 pm and it's just around the corner, just so you know), we lunched and I've passed out on my sister's bed.
That's how tired I am. Makes me wonder if I can ever get a full time job without having my soul sucked, dementor like.
So if I don't post in like a week, please assume I'm dead in an alley.
So, here goes;
Back in the day I used to think there were a lot of celebrities, because whenever I turned out to, always somewhere were talking about someone famous. I had no idea what pink magazines were.
Although now, out of the cave I've been living in for 5 years
I'm thinking about what to write that would make whoever visits this blog interact with me and since it's been 3 days since I last uploaded a post (sorry, I work part time and it's so dreadful, I'm physically drained after just 5 hours), so you'd assume that I have something reaaaaally special prepared.
I actually don't.
Yesterday after getting back from work at almost two o'clock pm (I leave at 1 pm and it's just around the corner, just so you know), we lunched and I've passed out on my sister's bed.
That's how tired I am. Makes me wonder if I can ever get a full time job without having my soul sucked, dementor like.
So if I don't post in like a week, please assume I'm dead in an alley.
So, here goes;
Back in the day I used to think there were a lot of celebrities, because whenever I turned out to, always somewhere were talking about someone famous. I had no idea what pink magazines were.
I realized that now those celebrities are possibly considered "old fashion" or perhaps "antiques" or "queen/king" of this and that. Whatever title, it's always related to "vintage". Take Brad Pitt or Meryl Streep.
Bands that were very popular back in the day disbanded, MTV is no more.
My own favorite bands have changed so much their sound that it is unrecognizable to me.
I mean, I get it. Artists want to evolve. And to that, they sacrifice their true self.
Kinda like Linday Lohan on Mean Girls; She changed to much to fit in the Plastics that eventually lost her true self. Kinda like myself, except I got lost by actually DOWNGRADING, not trying to upgrade.
Even artists from the said bands have fallen into oblivion, so much that only a certain amount of the fanbase is keeping up with them (not even half of them). Even if their band got back from the zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't have as many followers, I'm assuming.
But now there are A FUCKING LOT of "Youtubities".
That's Youtube Celebrities for you. Straight otta my head.
It's like, the tumblr system, of micro blogging, except with people. Micro-people-vlogging.
That means that unless something happens that'll blow the youtube algorythm, it'll be extremely difficult to jump into the plane and expect to have a pleasant flight. (Sorry, I don't like boats.)
That's kinda difficult for me to understand because 90% of the girls on youtube make make up tutorials and 90% of the guys either play games or do stupid stuff like swimming on pool of coca-cola. (try it with mentos, dickhead.)
I don't understand the need to see other people put on make up.
Digging up good videos is hard, since currently it's visited monthly by 1.9 BILLION of users (jfc imagine a world where we would fit as many people), with 180 million hours of video play.
Shit, that's mind blowing.
As for myself, I'm going to make a presentation video of my blog and channel and hope to slide onto the algorythm, since I understand TONS of maths. *cool hand sign*
Here's the Q&A I'm doing (if I can't find another, cooler one):
I'm travelling to Japan next year (it's really happening) so 'I unearthed' a cool informative video for you, if you are on the same pace as I am. That's Kim Dao. Another Youtubity.
Until then, I'll always remain a glitch on today's society.
No, I totally didn't watch Wreck-It Ralph yesterday.
Sincerely yours,
The Glitch

I realized that now those celebrities are possibly considered "old fashion" or perhaps "antiques" or "queen/king" of this and that. Whatever title, it's always related to "vintage". Take Brad Pitt or Meryl Streep.
Bands that were very popular back in the day disbanded, MTV is no more.
My own favorite bands have changed so much their sound that it is unrecognizable to me.
I mean, I get it. Artists want to evolve. And to that, they sacrifice their true self.
Kinda like Linday Lohan on Mean Girls; She changed to much to fit in the Plastics that eventually lost her true self. Kinda like myself, except I got lost by actually DOWNGRADING, not trying to upgrade.
Even artists from the said bands have fallen into oblivion, so much that only a certain amount of the fanbase is keeping up with them (not even half of them). Even if their band got back from the zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't have as many followers, I'm assuming.
But now there are A FUCKING LOT of "Youtubities".
That's Youtube Celebrities for you. Straight otta my head.
It's like, the tumblr system, of micro blogging, except with people. Micro-people-vlogging.
That means that unless something happens that'll blow the youtube algorythm, it'll be extremely difficult to jump into the plane and expect to have a pleasant flight. (Sorry, I don't like boats.)
That's kinda difficult for me to understand because 90% of the girls on youtube make make up tutorials and 90% of the guys either play games or do stupid stuff like swimming on pool of coca-cola. (try it with mentos, dickhead.)
I don't understand the need to see other people put on make up.
Digging up good videos is hard, since currently it's visited monthly by 1.9 BILLION of users (jfc imagine a world where we would fit as many people), with 180 million hours of video play.
Shit, that's mind blowing.
As for myself, I'm going to make a presentation video of my blog and channel and hope to slide onto the algorythm, since I understand TONS of maths. *cool hand sign*
Here's the Q&A I'm doing (if I can't find another, cooler one):
I'm travelling to Japan next year (it's really happening) so 'I unearthed' a cool informative video for you, if you are on the same pace as I am. That's Kim Dao. Another Youtubity.
Until then, I'll always remain a glitch on today's society.
No, I totally didn't watch Wreck-It Ralph yesterday.
Sincerely yours,
The Glitch
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