Look What You Made Me Do

How is you, my lovelies? It's the Spring Equinox today and this is pretty much me: I have a post planned but decided to do a little marketing on social platforms first, since it'll need massive impact, so that people can actually participate in it. Motivated by the will to sound a little less uncultured, I've dived onto youtube and because of friend's suggestions (let me make a parenthesis here - friend who said "I don't listen to much. What do you like?" so I proudly showed him AFI, to which he replied with his actual repertoire of music. This is an accurate gif of how I feel near him: ) Now the platform is showing me new stuff and what's more interesting is, I'm actually listening. Never really been a fan of listening to *new* music, as I've been too much stuck on the old things I listened. Bands constantly followed me on twitter (it's my main network) asking me to check them out. I never really did, unfortunately. But I guess ...