Tatsume Is In Trouble.

Hello dear petals!
How have you been?

Good news of today: anyone can comment on the blog already, you don't have to be connected with google plus anymore!
It took me a while to figure out what I was doing wrong but hey, we're always learning!

Do you guys know what I do when I'm upset?
I grab myself a real nice cup of home-made cappuccino and drink it with cookies.

Like this. And the glitters too.

My favorite one is this:

I see this as a revenge on myself because it's highly caloric. It's not that I am a calorie or gym, I'm actually a lazy couch potato who secretly has a pile of clothes to iron. *angel emoji*.
But since I've learnt what actual fatness feels like, I've been extra careful.
That's also one of the reasons why I haven't quit my job yet.

Speaking of job and the theme of the post today is: people who can't fucking understand what a 'no' means. I've dealt with this in the past, but not so much to actually be scared by it.
I mean, sure I had to defend myself slightly from a co-worker, but ever since then and due to other reasons (not Tatsume related), that co-worker has stopped, only briefly mentioning it yesterday.
He knows he would get in real trouble and he's a trouble-maker, but not to the extent or risking a job he has been for a long period of time over something like this.
There's other co-worker who has been tailing me for a while, always asking him to date him, always making funny jokes, but I know he's respectful and he's never do something rash. I don't mind him.

Yesterday was a hell of a day.
A day so hellish, I wish my enemies could have tasted it just the slightest.
Like I mentioned, my work consists of scanning through people's shopping carts and ask them if they would like an invoice with or without the social security number. The only payments I get there are the atm ones. The money is handled in the central box.
He was there yesterday. I swear if he hadn't, I'd probably run home.

I was working on the 2PM shift that goes all the way to 7PM.
My break is around 5-5:30, depends if there are costumers and if my co-workers can cover my back.
I'm part-time, so I only have 10 minutes as opposed to the full times, who have 30 minutes.
Honestly, those 30 minutes always feel like a fucking hour. Moving on, yesterday I absolutely had no time to eat. But that was because the colleague that was having my shift, decided himself to go eat, instead of asking if I wanted to go before him. That's usually how it goes.

By late afternoon, the usual costumers come.
Even though I'm starving, my head is pounding, I'm still thriving to be as nice as I can.

The other day there was this costumer who got us all laughing, since he asked me if everything was okay, to which I replied "I'd be better if I was watching a movie, snuggled on my blanket."
One of my co-workers, whom taught me a lot of things (he's about my age), started mocking me, saying I looked like an old lady. Quickly, we dismissed the subject and I've seen the said costumer once in a while, but he never got in my box, luckily.
Yesterday, he did. He was talking on the phone to his sister (he made sure to tell me so) and was leaning on the cart, where I was removing the goods from.
He mouthed "number. Give me your number". At first I didn't understand, smiled and asked "what? Number?" I thought he was talking about the code bar. Odd. But then he pointed out to the earplugs and I carried on removing, code bar reading, putting up on the next cart.
By the end he turns to me and said loud and clear: "give me your number". To which I smiled and nodded a no. Then he asked again and again. He saw a dead end and asked me for my facebook.

I wouldn't give my number, why the fuck would I give my facebook?
There's a reason why I don't have any co-workers added. Exactly because it's private!
I wouldn't give such information to my colleagues, why would I give it to costumers and give them something for them to stalk me? HELL NO.

Continuously, I said "no, no no", until he finished paying up and I was already attending other client.
He simply stood there, by the end of my box, starring at me like "are you going to change your mind?" I ignored him.
Walking back, he pointed at me saying "I'm not going to give up!" and left.
His car was parked right outside by the carts and I could see him clearly. Before leaving, he waved at me from a distance. Before leaving he stood there, in his car, doing god knows what.
I don't want to see him ever again. I'm not really sure what would happen. Not to me, but to him.
I just feel like reporting him. Which I will, in case he doesn't back up.

One of the colleagues I like the most offered me chocolates, which I couldn't even accept, because I felt like puking. *sad face*

By the end of the day,
There's this man who comes ever so often, he usually arrives like, 5 minutes before closing and takes, well... He takes his time making sometimes 5 carts of piles and piles of stuff, that he actually only pays by the end of the month. You know, some people like to have it all.
I left there around 7:30PM.

The thing that saved me slightly was having as much interaction with bae as possible. He's funnier (AND CUTER OMG fangirlmoment) than I expected.

The odds things I was saying were directed to the guy who doesn't pay but honestly I guess I was only angered by the other dude.
I mean, it's not that I can't defend myself. I'll gladly tear his throat apart or stab him with a pocket knife I always carry. I just kinda feel disgusted.
Can't believe I'm having a panic attack over this.

People don't understand what a "no" fucking means. Why?!!

I'm sorry readers, I know this isn't my usual type of post, but I feel like venting to the world and honestly don't even know. Don't even have the inspiration to upload gifs.
Tell me all about what would you do in my position, in the comment section! (You need to open the post to see the box).

Now I'm going to try to distract myself with a bunch of tattoo designs I'm making, such as this:

Stay out of trouble!
The Glitch


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