Why I'm quitting my job + The truth exposed

I find those motivational speakers really funny.
"Travel the world and become a Digital Nomad. Uh.. What they say:
What I see:

*gonna be crucified for this one too*

Anyway, getting to the point;
The shit about all this is, don't quit your job unless you have something in mind or another job in sight (youtube/blogging/vlogging isn't a choice) because let's be real - the economy is still walking on a crutch and imagine you quit on a whim and you will have to beg at their feet again for another opportunity. What you want is: thanks for your time, but I've found something better/more stable/ better paying to do.
So if by ANY chance you'll ever get back to your old job, you'll have a place.

What really happened:
I've started working on this company in August last year, when I moved to Lisbon.
I couldn't find a job near my home (in a rural area), and as I have relatives in the city (because let's face it, I don't consider them family), I asked and moved here. Soon enough, I started searching for work, my best friend told me they had opportunities on his company (which is a major one), he sent in my curriculum, so did I, to like everywhere.
I got to work a day on a hotel but I found it so disgusting that I couldn't manage to go the second day. Not long after, I got a call from the Human Resources for this Cash & Carry company which is about 350 meters from my house. I started working the same day (17/ August).

A lot of shit has happened since then.
This is a company that has been around for more than 40 years, in which my Chief has been working for 25 or so. That means she is the oldest employee on the company.
That means she THINKS she is entitled to manage the store: she baby cries to the Store Manager about other co-workers, she literally makes the living hell out of every situation.
When I started, I was going to be a fishmonger, but they had no uniforms, so I ended up in the frozen food area, where she stays. The old store manager said "You're going to work with her? Good luck."
But she was so nice back then, I thought they were over reacting. Everyone in the area knows who my grandmother is, so my chief was nice because of that. (Not that my grandmother is seen as a respectful person, she's fucking not.)

Anyway, fast forward to my big holidays (when I stayed about 3 or 4 months at home because I had over-working hours). As I got back to work, it was the same M.O. we had.
Except one day she reached out to me and actually called me "dumb". Now, this wasn't the first time that she had verbally abused a co-worker because she had done it to me before, to the only friend I had and the only person who taught me everything.
I kinda lost it and reported it to the newest Store Manager (which isn't the same as before). I'm not sure what went down from there with her because I got removed from the frozen foods area and got transferred to the cashiers.

This is a nice team. I love them all.
They're so coordinated and looking out for each other (of course there are rule exceptions, which I've mentioned here on a previous post).
Of course I never mentioned another of the actual toxic persons that linger on that store; which is... *drumroll* the actual human resources herself. Since day one that I spoke to her about staying on the frozen foods area instead of where I initially was going to, the sole purpose of her life became turning my life another hell. (The second one, if you can't understand).

We all know we all have our way of doing things, which doesn't mean it's right just because you have been on a place for the last 10 years. It doesn't give you the right to devalue and lower other people for your ego's sake.
One day (fairly recently), we had the store full. What I mean full is: 5 cashiers working really hard and ABSOLUTELY no shopping carts (on a total of more than 100) left in the parking lot.
So how was I supposed to change the things from one cart to the other if I didn't have one?
She turned out to me that day, in the middle of the store and literally YELLED at me for not exchanging carts (the lady I was attending only had two or three easily perceivable things, saying "You're not better than anyone else, your co-worker is having back pain and she's also changing carts!".
I mean... That's awful. But could you have said it a little lower?
She drove the attention from all of the store to me. It was more humiliating than my other chief calling me dumb. I rushed out and went to my break, cried my guts out in 10 minutes and got back pretending everything was okay. I never said anything to anyone.

This is not something you keep for yourself. But I kinda have trouble getting out of my shell and saying a fucking "no".

All of this leaves me thinking; is this what I really want in life?
To spend 20 years stuck in the same place just like everyone else? Let's face the facts, they only accepted me because they were literally in *dying need* to find someone that could cover their butts.
I'm not saying I'm an excellent worker, but I practically never say no to anything they ask.
Going to work on my sister's birthday's afternoon when I was supposed to leave at 12.30 pm and have fun with her? Check!
Last minute calls asking me to change the schedule? Check!
Asking me favors in general and never getting a no for an answer? CHECK.
Need to kick someone in the butt, which happens to be TATSUME?? FUCKING CHECK.

You guys need to have your priorities straight.

This resumes my long ass post and I so want to rant about it because there are so many injustices in the world and if we don't start speaking about it, the world isn't going to get better, okay?

And that leaves my theme for the next post, which will be about travelling and future plans!

From now on my posts will be published everyday, at 9 PM JST (Japan Standard Time).

Stay warm,
The Glitch


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