Cat Cruxification

Oh no, I'm going to be hanged because of this one.

Unpopular opinion: Not everyone likes cats.

I mean, come on. Look at these little pests that do nothing but harm those around them:

No, I'm not being funny. I honestly cannot see where those animals make great living pets.
I had several cats over the years when growing up. Confessing, I don't recall enough that time.
Although in recent years, I did try to rescue one, he was so cute and calm. My sister called it "Ed".
But it had a brother, which was a very shameless, invertebrate version of Ed that climbed everywhere and made a mess all the time.*

I realized that I simply cannot sleep with animals that I cannot understand where they are with my eyes closed (Kitty Softpaws y'all).
Gives me the creeps to see my bedroom door moving or to hear that something's walking on my houses' laminated floor.
Like this.
And imagine having multiple cats:
Fucking creepy.

Dogs are brute. You will know where they are even if you don't ask.

This concludes with a "You're a dog advocate" and a "Damn right I am."
Look at this cuteness:

*No, I didn't abandon the cat. The cats had an owner but for most of time they spent on the street,so I fed it and it followed us home, allowed him to stay with us for a few nights because it was really cold and the owner was already asking for him, that's le story.

This was a mockery post. Next will be a more serious one because I've found the right materials.

Here, listen to this song by Kaya Rose.


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