The Missing Man found my happiness.

Hello my dear petals! How have you been? It's been a while since I last posted something, but nothing much happened with that creep from the previous post and I gave my instagram to my co worker, I just hope she doesn't get to my blog. On another news, I got an abscess. Went to the dentist and she drained it. Now I'm on medication and really don't feel like working because I keep being sleepy and drowsy all the time. Gosh I miss Soul Eater so much. I've also been working with my best friend. She needed my help to translate something. Which I wasn't aware that I recall so many things in Finnish. I wonder why I haven't been studying it in the past. Mä rakastan Suomi paljon! On the badder side of things, Tumblr has now decided that artists can't express themselves if it contains not safe for work stuff. It'll be flagged, and you'll lose the things you've fought for. You might think "why does it affect you?" Which I...